Boris the actor and Jonathan the writer are a couple, but their relationship reached the point where they can spend their evenings together-apart – one in bed reading scripts and the other working at the office desk in the next room. Boris is sinking further and further into rehearsals for a new film with an ambitious director whose way of work starts to affect his personal life. Meanwhile Jonathan is trying to redefine his voice as a writer. The couple is experiencing a period of emotional distancing, betrayal of trust, fear of losing their relationship as well as fear of losing themselves in it.
This is the debut feature film of actor, screenwriter and director Fabian Stumm, and he shows that he is one of most interesting young voices in German cinema today. Stumm manages to turn what seems to be banal and everyday scenes – in the bedroom, supermarket or rehearsal room, into something unexpected in a film that is an intelligent and amusing takeout on relationships.
The Israeli audience will remember Knut Berger, who plays Jonathan in the movie “Walk on Water” (2004).