TLVFest celebrates 50 years to The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, TAU!

We invite you to a special screening of the Tisch School’s first groundbreaking and daring LGBTQ students’ final projects which were made back in the 70’s and 80’s.
After the screening, a panel with the filmmakers to discuss queer film making, then and now.

A Different Shadow
Director: Ron Assouline
Cast: Danny Roth, Efron Atkin, Gideon Singer, Daniel Amar, Neomi Doron
Israel, 1983, 36 min, Hebrew

Amit is a young photographer from a good family who is tired of living a lie. He struggles with the difficulties of revealing his sexual tendencies to his loving family – especially in front of his tough father and his shocked brother.

It’s That Age
Director: Hagar Kot
Cast: Ruthi Goldberg, Idit Tepperson, Meir Banai, Niko Nitai, Ilan Yagoda.
Israel, 1989, 37 min, Hebrew

Danielle is a rebellious 17-year-old. She finds work sitting for Michal, a 35-year-old sculptor. Danielle opens up to Michal, and ends up in a tender, yet suffocating relationship.