Lesbian International Mix 2

In China a lesbian has to fake a relationship with a gay man, meetings in museums and on trains turn into love stories, a search for a beloved sex toy, a daughter’s dilemma of how to come out to her mother and also, eggs.
Lesbian stories from China, Mexico, Spain, UK and Ukraine.
Duration: 80 minutes

Chasing Amy

Following Sav Rodgers’ wonderful documentary “Chasing Chasing Amy”, we had to screen Kevin Smith’s classic from 1997 (even though it didn’t age that well).
Is this film a lesbian fantasy of a straight man, or does it actually capture the nuances of a pansexual/bisexual identity better than many other films made even today?
A once in a lifetime performance by Joey Lauren Adams as the lesbian comic artist Ben Affleck’s character falls in love with (and she falls in love back). The film brings up questions about female sexuality and fluidity of sexual orientation that were ahead of their time back then and are still relevant today.
We highly recommend watching Sav Rodgers’ “Chasing Chasing Amy” which gives Smith’s classic film added layers and context.

Reaching for the Moon


Free entry with Cinematheque membership


A screening for the film’s 10th anniversary

The year is 1951 and the poet Elisabeth Bishop is looking for inspiration. She leaves her New York home and travels to sunny Rio de Janeiro to visit her old school friend Mary Morse. Elisabeth, with her closed off personality and conservative upbringing, is finding it hard to get used to the Brazilian sensuality, and especially to Marys’ partner – architect Lota de Macedo Soares (who will later design the famous Flamingo Park in Rio). Lota’s cold welcome to Elisabeth soon melts and she tries to convince Elisabeth to move in with her and Mary to their large mansion. Mary is reluctant but Lota wants both women to herself.
Elisabeth Bishop’s emotional poems are the heart of the film that follows an important chapter in the life of Pulitzer award winner. The film showcases wonderful performances by the Australian actress Miranda Otto as Elisabeth and Brazilian telenovelas star Gloria Pires as Lota. Special mention goes to the elegant and on point periodic reconstruction.
The film is based on a book by Carmen L. Oliveira.

In association with the Embassy of Brazil

All the Fires

With discount code TLVFEST ticket’s price is 30NIS instead of 48NIS.


“Fire will attract more attention than any other cry for help.” Jean-Michel Basquiat

Bruno is on a collision course with his greatest passion – fire. He’s a high school student that likes to upload videos of burning things onto social media. He is aided by his best friend Ian in order to document his petty arson acts that become more and more dangerous. Bruno is not happy with his mother’s new relationship, he also cannot deal with his growing attraction to his male best friend who is also interested in him. He spontaneously decides to run away to a small town where a girl he’s been messaging with on Instagram lives, only she has her own secrets. Reality will force him to confront his father’s death and the doubts he has about his sexuality, but not before leaving a trail of chaos behind him.
All the Fires” has mysterious overtones, it’s full of deep passion that is threatening to erupt and consume everything around it. Young and different Mexican cinematic piece on exploration of sexuality, sexual diversity and self acceptance.


This movie is eligible for a special “Monthly TLVfest” price:

4 Tickets – special price 160 NIS (40 NIS per ticket) – purchase here **
6 Tickets – special price 225 NIS (37.5 NIS per ticket) – purchase here **
12 Tickets – special price 360 NIS (30 NIS per ticket) – purchase here **

**NOT VALID for the TLVfest FESTIVAL screenings. Valid only for the Monthly TLVfest screenings.

The Persian Version

Screening on the 28.12 will include an Awards Ceremony for winners of TLVfest 2023 competitions

Leila is a young New Yorker. She’s a lesbian and an Iranian-American and contains within herself the cultures of two warring countries. She tries to find balance and embrace what’s different and contradicting in her identity and combine it all together. Leila’s dealing with her conservative parents who are still clinging to their homeland traditions, while trying to celebrate her identity and the freedom New York offers. She loves to challenge the labels society is fast to pin on her. While her family reunites in New York for her father’s heart transplant, Leila is trying to separate her family life and personal life. She tries to keep as much distance as possible from her judgmental mother Shireen, but when the secrets start to unravel, the similarities between Leila’s life and her mothers’ become apparent.
The Persian Version” is colorful cinema that combines New York and Persian-Iranian humor, lively dances and a complex and chilling cross-generational story of women who decide to stay loyal to themselves and go against the traditions of their families and the society they grew up in. “The Persian Version” celebrates their stories and does that in an intelligent, fascinating and unapologetic way.


17 years old Manon, an outstanding hockey player, leaves her home in Switzerland to go look for the father who abandoned her and her mother years ago. She arrives at a small French town on the Swiss border, where she makes new connections and falls in love for the first time. Manon is determined to make her dream come true – to become a professional hockey player, but before that she must accept her sexuality as well as the reality where her parents will never be there for her.
Rivière” describes the journey of a young woman who has to fight the entire world for her place in it because nothing is a given. Lead actress Flavie Delangle (Manon) gives us a tough and captivating character from the beginning till the end. Get ready for a particularly moving drama.