
הקרנה לכבוד יום הנראות הטרנסית 28.3.2023

הקרנת טרום בכורה – לראשונה בישראל!

מהבמאית של סרט הגייז הפולני המעולה “בשם…”, שהוקרן בישראל בשנת 2013, מגיע סרט חדש היישר מהתחרות הרשמית של פסטיבל ונציה 2023 בהקרנת טרום בכורה ארצית: “אישה…”.

על רקע המעבר מקומוניזם לקפיטליזם בפולין, הסרט משתרע על פני 45 שנים מחייה של אניאלה ווסולי ומסעה למציאת חירות אישית כאישה טרנסג’נדרית. היא מתמודדת עם קשיים בחיי המשפחה ועם סביבה שאיננה מוכנה להכיר בה. אילו בחירות אניאלה תצטרך לעשות כדי לחיות כמי שהיא באמת?

יצירה קולנועית מרהיבת עין ומסחררת חושים המספרת סיפור הנמשך על פני עשורים ומתארת תהליכים חברתיים, פוליטים ואישיים מנקודת מבט של אישה טרנסג’נדרית. על אף הקשיים שמערימה עליה המדינה שבה היא חיה, היא נאבקת בבירוקרטיה, דעות קדומות וטרנסופוביה עד להגשמה עצמית.

ההקרנה באדיבות:

הקרנת הסרט בשיתוף פעולה עם העמותה “פרויקט גילה” וחלק מההכנסות הינן תרומה לעמותה.

על העמותה

עמותת פרויקט גילה להעצמה טרנסית (ע”ר טרנסג’נדרים למען צדק חברתי) הוקמה בשנת 2010 על ידי קבוצת אקטיביסטיות שפעלו יחד בפריפריה הכלכלית-חברתית-גיאוגרפית. העמותה נקראת על שם גילה גולדשטיין ז”ל, שחקנית, אמנית, עובדת מין ומהפעילות הראשונות של הקהילה הטרנסית בישראל.
העמותה לוקחת חלק בעיצוב ושינוי מדיניות, הנגשת ידע, והעברת הכשרות. ב-2022 הקימה את המרכז הטרנסי, המרכז הקהילתי-שירותי הראשון בישראל לקהילה הטרנסית. מטרות העמותה הן קידום שוויון זכויות עבור הקהילה והעצמה אישית וקהילתית, מתוך אמונה עמוקה שחופש וגיוון מגדרי הופכים כל חברה לטובה יותר לכולם.

Who I Am Not

In this gentle and moving documentary we discover the stories of Sharon-Rose who is entering the Miss South Africa beauty contest and of social activist Dimakatso, two very different people. There is one thing that is binding them together – they were both born intersex. Even though they come from completely different worlds they provide support for each other. They navigate their lives, between decisions and discoveries in their unique journeys, struggling with issues of identity, family relations, health, romance and eventually, self acceptance.

Romanian director Tünde Skovrán followed the lives of Sharon-Rose and Dimakatso for five years and the personal journey of her protagonists is unfolding on camera. The result is emotionally powerful and visually hypnotic. One of the producers of this film is Oscar winning actress Patricia Arquette.

The screening is in association with Project Gila & part of the earnings are a donation to the project.

Gila Project for Trans Empowerment (AKA Transgenders for Social Justice) was founded in 2010 by and for the transgender community. It began as an activist group working to change the lives of transgender people, with a focus on personal empowerment, advocacy for rights, and demanding access to resources and opportunities. The Project grew into a strong trans-led nonprofit that continues to uphold these values and goals, and works in the field of LGBTQ rights, human rights, and social justice.


Myung is a fashion icon and one of Seoul’s best voguers. She is taking part in a dance competition hoping that the wins will cover the cost of her gender affirming surgery. When she loses, she decides to go back to her home village and take part in her estranged father’s funeral. In order to receive part of her father’s will, she must perform a traditional mourning dance for her father, who was a beloved dance teacher. Myung embarks on a journey she didn’t plan, back to her country roots and the Buddhist faith she abandoned, despite the hostilities of the villagers. She stays true to herself, even as she sheds some of her armor, in her winding and inspirational way to self enlightenment and finding her unique voice as a dancer.

Peafowl” is the excellent full length debut film by director/screenwriter BYUN Sung-bin, who won the award for international best short film for his film “For the Sake of a Sick Spirit” in the 2019 TLVfest. With South Korea stunning views, dazzling dancing scenes, moving plot, an unforgettable heroine and an uplifting ending this is one of the most beautiful films of the past year.

The screening is in association with Project Gila & part of the earnings are a donation to the project.

Gila Project for Trans Empowerment (AKA Transgenders for Social Justice) was founded in 2010 by and for the transgender community. It began as an activist group working to change the lives of transgender people, with a focus on personal empowerment, advocacy for rights, and demanding access to resources and opportunities. The Project grew into a strong trans-led nonprofit that continues to uphold these values and goals, and works in the field of LGBTQ rights, human rights, and social justice.



After going through a gender affirming surgery it seemed easier for Feña to just cut every tie to his past and start fresh. Dealing with the changes he’s been through was bad enough, not to mention his family’s reaction. But when he runs into his ex-boyfriend and gets a surprise visit from his father and his little sister, life forces him to deal with the past.

Mutt” is the debut film of director Vuk Lungulov-Klotz who creates a cinematic piece full of compassion, intimacy and honesty, taking us through the journey of a man who tries to reconcile his past with his present so he could have a better future.

A special praise goes to the cast of previously unknown actors, which makes the viewing experience a real joy. Above all others shines transgender actor Lío Mehiel as Feña.

The screening is in association with Project Gila & part of the earnings are a donation to the project.

Gila Project for Trans Empowerment (AKA Transgenders for Social Justice) was founded in 2010 by and for the transgender community. It began as an activist group working to change the lives of transgender people, with a focus on personal empowerment, advocacy for rights, and demanding access to resources and opportunities. The Project grew into a strong trans-led nonprofit that continues to uphold these values and goals, and works in the field of LGBTQ rights, human rights, and social justice.