Presenting Princess Shaw

May 30, 2016, 16:30
Tickets are available at 03-6060800 ext. 9
or click on English menu and select the date at the Cinematheque web site
Director: Ido Haar
Israel, 2015, 78 min., Hebrew and English w/ Hebrew subtitles

Caregiver Samantha lives alone in a tough New Orleans neighborhood. Videos of herself performing songs she had written receive scant attention online.
Her ceaseless efforts to break into the music industry are likewise frustrated. Yet completely unbeknown to Samantha, someone on the other side of the world not only listens to her songs, but also has faith in her and is about to make her music accessible to an unprecedented audience.
Israeli musician Kutiman (real name Ophir Kutiel), based in a kibbutz in the southern part of the country, came across Samantha while looking for unknown singers who upload original material online.
In his spare time he blends Samantha's songs into luxuriant audio-visual symphonies composed entirely of pieces uploaded online by people from across the world.
Presenting Princess Shaw is a story of continuous loneliness and obscurity in a world that is constantly launching new stars. Yet it also has a strong element of talent and perseverance, and the random ways in which these qualities lead to success.
In association with MTV Israel.

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