52 Tuesdays

Directed by Sophie Hyde
Cast: Tilda Kovam – Harvey , Del Herbert – Jane
Australia , 2013 , 114 minutes,
English with Hebrew subtitles

Sundance Film Festival 2014 – Directing Award
Berlin International Film Festival 2014 – Crystal Bear
Berlin International Film Festival 2014 – Siegessäule award
Melbourne Queer Film Festival 2014 – Best Feature Film
Toronto Inside Out Film Festival 2014 – Best First Feature

Billy is a 16 year old girl that discovers one afternoon – when she gets home from school – her world is about to change. Her mother is about to undergo a sex change, and now she needs to call her James. Billy who thought she knew everything about her mother and that they have no secrets from one another is forced to go live with Tom, her estranged father. In order to keep her relationship with James and allow him and her to get used to the physical and mental change they are going to deal with, they decide to meet every Tuesday until he finishes the transition. Meanwhile, Billy befriends two students, a guy and a girl, from the theater club, and together they are creating a personal documentary revealing their sexual experiments.
In order to try and create a realistic and credible feeling, the movie, itself, was filmed in a chronological order, on Tuesdays during an entire year, the actors got the script for the shoot just the day before. The result is one of the best films of 2014.

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