A Queer Country

Thursday, June 8, 16:00 Cinematheque 1

Tickets are available at 03-6060800 ext. 9
or via this link

A Queer Country
Dir: Lisa Morgenthau
With: Harriet Jane Davies
U.K., 2016, 74 min., English and Hebrew with English subtitles

2016 IDFA
2016 Hollywood International Independent Documentary Festival 2016 – Best Women Filmmakers Award

We believe this is the best documentary about the Israeli LGBT community made by a foreign filmmaker, and not simply because TLVFest is featured.
A Queer Country shows how liberal viewpoints in Israel often clash with the State’s legislative structure. While each year large-scale, colorful pride parades are held and touted by the State for its own dubious political ends, LGBT citizens do not enjoy full equality and are in constant struggle over their basic rights. The film creates an intimate portrait of Israel and its internal power struggles, often shadowed by the conflict along the country’s borders. The makers look into what it means to be a minority in Israel. They also discuss whether Israel is quite the pro-LGBT country it presents itself as, or whether this is really the political maneuver referred to by opponents of Israel as Pinkwashing, meaning the cynical use politicians make of the local LGBT community in order to counteract the criticism against violation of human rights at the Palestinian territories.
A Queer Country emphasizes the people of this place, offering an intricate, human view on the state of affairs.

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