Official Competition 2018 – Narrative



The film takes place during the AIDS epidemic of the 1980’s. Adrian returns to his Texas hometown for Christmas, keeping his family in the dark about his life in New York. After making amends with his brother and a childhood friend, he decides to reveal truth to his religious parents.

©wirFILM_Julian Krubasik


Manja is in love with free-spirited Louk. Their first encounter strikes Manja physically and spiritually. It begins with violence concludes with a tender kiss. The relationship between the two girls grows into a teen rebellion that allows distant, down-to-earth Manja to do things she has never dreamt she would do.


French Extreme

FRIG: The extreme feelings experienced by a man at the end of a relationship. The film contains three parts: love, shit, and semen.
Content includes dancing, singing, drama, body fluids, and pornography.


Malila, The Farewell Flower

Shane is the most handsome man in his village, yet his loved ones leave him one by one. Pitch is in love with Shane, but a terminal illness forces him to travel to Bangkok for treatment. Personal tragedies bring them together again for a few days of blissful serenity.



Marcos resides with his cattle-ranching family in a small village. Predators, both animal and human, are lurking around the family’s little piece of heaven. Marcos keeps a secret from his conservative, homophobic family: at night he puts makeup on, wears colorful dresses, and heads into town to party with his best friend.

c2018 River’s Edge Film Partners/Kyoko Okazaki/TAKARAJIMASHA

River’s Edge

River’s Edge, which recounts the odd occurrences at a Japanese high school, begins with a naked boy falling out of a locker. The plot revolves around three friends: a gay boy who is the love object of all the girls; his best friend, and a teenage model suffering from bulimia.

(c) Hi Film Productions

Soldiers. Story from Ferentari

Adi is studying Roma pop music. He hires Alberto as a guide. Insolent, shameless, fond of alcohol and gambling, Alberto has spent most of his life behind bars. Against the backdrop of discrimination and ever-increasing social gaps, they develop a friendship that turns into an unexpected love story.


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