A Dog Barking at the Moon

Saturday, June 8, 2019, 18:00 Cinematheque 3 Tickets
Friday, June 14, 2019, 16:00 Cinematheque 1 Tickets

Tickets are also available at 03-6060800 ext. 9

A Dog Barking at the Moon
Dir: Lisa Zi Xiang
Production: Jose Val Bal, Lisa Zi Xiang
Cast: Nan Ji, Naren Hua
China/Spain, 2019, 107min, Mandarin and English with Hebrew and English subtitles

2019 Berlin International Film Festival: Winner of the Teddy Competition Juries’ prize
2019 Hong Kong International Film Festival

Director Lisa Zi Xiang brings to the big screen an elaborate family saga, set across multiple time periods and creating a multi-dimensional, multilayered mosaic, tracing the chronicles off a wealthy Chinese family through the years.
When a daughter returns to China, pregnant, with her American husband, she starts exploring why – for as long as she can recall – there has always been this feeling of estrangement among her family members. Little by little, despite all the bitterness and even hatred between her mother and father, she starts uncovering their backstories and realizes that throughout almost their entire lives, her parents have been repressing their true desires and if only so they could tick the traditional marriage box.
A Dog Barking at the Moon is a gripping family drama, outlining how politics and China’s conservative society can affect one’s love life, passion, and intimate relationships even inside the home. Despite it being a socio-political piece under the guise of a family drama, the film remains a standout work with a fresh voice and unique, surprising surrealist motifs.

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