Thursday, June 6, 2019, 16:00 Cinematheque 2
Tickets are available at 03-6060800 ext. 9
or via this link
Duration: 95 minutes

Party Line,
Dir: Ohav Flantz
Israel, 1993, 20 min, Hebrew with English Subtitles
A spiritual hypochondriac, a bulimic psychologist, a perverted painter, a camp transvestite, a hysterical rich girl, a compulsive liar and your garden variety bitch are debating – by phone and answerphones – how to celebrate their beloved, suicidal friend Uri’s birthday.

Dir: Galit Rozen
Israel, 1995, 10 min, Hebrew with English Subtitles
A queer sci-fi film about the arrival of aliens from another planet.

Operation YY
Dir: Oded Lotan
Israel, 2000, 17 min, Hebrew with English Subtitles
Ron, 22, still lives at home with his parents. Daytime is almost a foreign concept to him and his nights are spent editing wedding videos for a living, chatting online, and having futuristic daydreams. His hobbies land up getting him into trouble and for the first time in life, risk a head-on confrontation.

The Rabbi
Dir: Uriya Hertz
Israel, 2015, 19 min, Hebrew with English Subtitles
Michael is a revered, charismatic Rabbi at a Jerusalem military yeshiva. Following an intimate confession from his favourite student, Gaddy, Michael’s safe and familiar world is rocked to its core.

Guided Tour
Dir: Benjamin Freidenberg
Israel, 2009, 23 min, Hebrew with English Subtitles
31-year-old Ethan lives alone in Jerusalem and spends his nights redoing road paint along the city streets. The monotonous, Sisyphean job is woven into associative snippets of his day-to-day life – between reality and fiction, treading the boundary between identities, strip by strip, in broken lines.