TLVFest New Dates

Dear Friends 

Due to the recent world-wide events, the 15th international LGBT film festival, originally scheduled for June, will be delayed to November. In those recent months, we have worked incredibly hard on forming a unique program with the finest LGBT movies, Unfortunately, like other cultural events and film festivals, we have no other choice but postponing the festival.

It is a hard yet necessary step we must take in order to cope with the new complex reality that we, among all man-kind, are forced to deal with at the moment. If the health crisis is stabilized, the festival will take place between November 12-21.

TLVFest has always been the most daring, vivid and bold festival to take place in Israel, never to give in to any obstacles, always looking forward to the future. We will continue working on the festival so that we could all celebrate the LGBT cinema from all parts of the world on the big screen in November.

We are committed to continue promoting tolerance, equal rights, freedom of art and of course, to presenting films all across the country.

Yair Hochner,
TLVFest founder & Artistic Director

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