Ahead of the Curve

The film is available for viewing from November 12, 07:00 till November 21, midnight 
and for 24 hours from the start of viewing.  

More info on tickets order here
Contact us: [email protected] 

Ahead of the Curve

Directed by: Jen Rainin, Rivkah Beth Medow
Produced by: Jen Rainin, Rivkah Beth Medow
USA, 2020, 97 minutes, English with Hebrew subtitles

San Francisco International LGBTQ Film Festival 2020
Outfest Los Angeles LGBTQ Film Festival 2020
New York LGBTQ Film Festival 2020

This film is an exciting and fascinating proof of how one woman’s willpower can influence and change history.
Franco Stevens may not be well known in Israel, but in the US she is one of the most influential women in lesbian history, and her work continues to make an impact today. When Franco grew up she never saw any representation of lesbian women – she did not even know a woman could be a lesbian. When she finally realized she’s a lesbian, it was in a relatively late stage in her life, after she married her husband at a kosher Jewish wedding. When her secret was revealed, she left home and moved to San Francisco, started working in a bookstore and decided to start a lesbian magazine to give the various women in the community a voice and space. Thus was created the most important lesbian magazine in the US and worldwide.
Decades later, after a serious injury that forced her to change her life and sell the magazine, she embarks on a journey where she will meet the queer women of our time and perhaps even develop new initiatives.
An empowering film that is a fascinating lesson in lesbian history from the early 90s to the present day.

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