Extreme Friday 2018 – Fluido

06/04/18, 21:00
A special Friday-night screening of the most daring films from the 2017 TLVFest. Entrance is restricted to over 18’s. 

Tickets are available at the Cinematheque website and the box office, or at 03-6060800, ext. 9.

Dir: Shu Lea Cheang
Production: Jürgen Brüning, Sonja Klümper, Paula Alamillo Rodriguez
Cast: Candy Flip, Kristina Marlen, Bishop Black
Germany, 2017, 70 min., English without subtitles

Berlin International Film Festival 2017 – World Premiere

Following its outrageous premiere at the 2017 Berlin International Film Festival, the erotic sci-fi film by director and artist Shu Lea Cheang arrives in Tel Aviv. The year is 2060 and AIDS has disappeared. However, HIV has mutated into a gene that can be made into a drug, which becomes the new cocaine. Using a unique scanning system, the secret police attempts to identify carriers of this gene. Meanwhile, at a secret location, young men are connected to a system of cables allowing them to produce semen, from which the drug can be derived.
The film focuses on a detective infiltrating the lines of the criminal organization responsible for producing the drug. She is carried away into an opera of multisexual decadence with a range of women, men, and anything in between, as the borders of time and reality become blurred. This cutting-edge film was made in Berlin by Taiwanese multimedia artist and filmmaker Shu Lea Cheang and is bound to create a stir with Israeli audiences.
Entrance restricted for viewers over 18 due to explicit sexual content.

יוצאות מן החלל
בימוי: פרנסי פבריץ
גרמניה 2016, 15 דקות ללא דיאלוג

שתי לסביות מן החלל החיצון נופלות זו על זו בהילוך איטי עד שנדמה שכוח הכבידה אינו משפיע עליהן.
הבמאית היא אורחת הפסטיבל.

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