Strike a Pose

Monday, June 6, 20:30 Cinematheque 2
Tickets are available at 03-6060800 ext. 9
or click on English menu and select the date at the Cinematheque web site

Strike a Pose
Directors: Reijer Zwaan, Esther Gould
The Netherlands, 2016, 83 min., English w/ Hebrew subtitles

Berlin International Film Festival 2016
Tribeca Film Festival 2016
Hot Docs International Documentary Film Festival 2016

TLVFest will host a single showing of the documentary that touched the hearts of viewers at the 2016 Berlinale.
The film describes Madonna's legendary 1990 Blond Ambition tour, for which she sought the finest Vogue dancers. Hundreds of candidates auditioned, with a small, nearly all-gay crew making the cut: Salim, Kevin, Carlton, José, Luis, Gabriel, and Oliver, the sole heterosexual member.
The tour was one of the most successful music extravaganzas of all times and was depicted in the film Madonna: Truth or Dare/In Bed with Madonna. Nearly overnight, the dancers became the hottest celebrities around and the objects of desire for gay youth across the world. They appeared in talk shows and were sought-after guests at New York's wildest parties.
Once the tour ended, the seven young men faced a massive change in their lives.
In addition to returning to their old routines, they also had the Aids epidemic, then at its height, to deal with.
Now, 25 years following the legendary tour and film, six members of the group come together again and confront some past secrets.

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