Israeli Shorts A

Duration: 75 minutes  

Cinematheque 1, Tel-Aviv
Saturday, November 13, 2021, 14:00 – Tickets 

A prize valued at 1000$ to the winner of the best short Israeli short film competition, courtesy of PrideTV

The Life and Death of Anna Lysis
Director & Script: Iftach Illouz
Producer: Jonathan Chaver & Tom Raanan
Cast: Meitar Atias
Israel, 2021, 15 min, Hebrew with English subtitles

Anna Lysis is a drag queen who meets different men over the course of one night. Some approach her; some she flirts with. At the end of the night, all encounters unite and raise questions about trauma, identity, and repression.
Viewing is 18+.

Corona Diaries – Second Wave
Director & Script: Ze’ev Goren
Producer: Ze’ev Goren
Cast: Nir Magen, Elahi Chohen, Revital Goren, Amatzia Goren
Israel, 2021, 21 min, Hebrew with English subtitles

A short documentary filmed with the consent of the participants.
Zeev, a young film student, has been chosen to play a senior role in the production of an LGBT student film. But it turns out that the lead actor is a guy who broke his heart a short time earlier, and he doesn’t know if he will be able to do it.
At the same time, Ze’ev’s younger brother, a high-risk drug addict boy, is trying to enlist in the IDF and save himself from his disintegrated family.
Viewing is 18+.

Director & Script: Moti Rachamim
Producer: Moti Rachamim
Cast: Zohar Sabag, Tal Eden, Sagi Lazar, Matan Zipory
Israel, 2021, 39 min, Hebrew with English subtitles

This short drama deals with the life of a gay man who tore his family apart due to his sexual orientation, and shows the dire consequences of prejudice on the lives of marginalized people.

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